Sunday, December 11, 2011

Disney and its opportunities for today's youth/Sports

I must say I'm grateful to have learned of a particular outlet for today's talented youth. Yesterday, I took my son Moses to an audition for Disney networks. The audition took place in NYC and in attendance they had some of the top managers and agents in the country to evaluate the kids performance. The organization is called "The Event."This organization works collectively with Disney to find the next best talent for any upcoming projects they may have at hand. Although, my son is very talented in performing arts he is pursing acting and Soccer as a future career. I was excited to meet these important people that may be able to get my son to the next level in his career. There were many different industry professionals there such as Discover Inc. management, Hines and Hunt management, Eye management and more. These industry professionals found talent and placed them with jobs such as Disney XD,  Gaspard & Lisa (Disney Jr's new animated series), Hannah Montana, Zeke and Luther (Disney Channel) and more. 170

Attending this event I was very pleased to be informed that Disney ESPN also has a boys Soccer opportunity titled "Disney's Soccer Showcase" for boys. Once I heard this information I was delighted and grateful that Disney and its opportunities for today's youth is so extensive. This Disney Soccer showcase is rated #1 youth Soccer Tournament in US. At this showcase there are hundreds of college coaches observing for the new soccer talent. This showcase gives young boys the opportunity to be selected to a great college on behave of a college scholarship and a promising Soccer career. The next showcase will be held between December 27-30, 2011 and the onsite tournament registration is on December 26, 2011. The tournaments will be held at Lake Myrtle Sports Complex, Austin Tindall Regional Park, and Hess Sports Fields at ESPN wide world Sports Complex. Networking and attending is very important I'm excited I went to this event as Disney has many opportunities for the youth in performing arts and sports.


Posted By: Sparkle Callahan

Sunday, December 4, 2011

NBA Lockout is Now Over what about the Little people?

    Since the lockout is now over and the millionaires vs Billionaires have now conquered their goals, what about the little people? This has been a well over 6 month debate with athlete and NBA owners. Although, the athletes were not happy and owners were not content, they did not suffer as much as the little people. The little people are the structure workers such as parking attendants, vendors, maintenance workers, electricians and more. As a result of the NBA lockout many of these employees were out of a job. And fans were disappointed as their seasonal tickets went to waste. Restaurant owners such as Tavern lost over $1million dollars in revenue as well.

Due, to the NBA lockout there will be a price hike in tickets, but more empty seats as there are unsatisfied fans. Many people are excited that the NBA lockout is now over and see it as a christmas gift. But, there are many of the little people still suffering from this drastic 6 month ordeal. The question now is will there be some kind of discount or reimbursement for the disappointed fans and unemployment wages accomodated for the dislocated workers? while the NBA lockout debated about meeting common ground between themselves, there were the little people suffering. Many structured workers suffered with mortgages and livelihood, while the millionaires and billionaires debated amongst themselves. Currently, there are no days off within the NBA and everyday count. But, although there will many empty seats, the show will still go on. The lockout affected many people and more than what the owners and athletes of the NBA could ever imagine.

Posted By: Sparkle Callahan