Sunday, August 21, 2011

Facility Management Post

In the world of sports they are suffering financial strains and changes due to the economy. There have been closed offices, lay offs, minor professionals leagues also have folded. However, throughout the financial strains and economical changes there are creative ways a facility manager can bring revenue, during slow times.
            There have also been tremendous financial cuts in the college world of sports. In Florida, football team the Florida Gators according to the Orlando Sentinel has been affected. Team Hats, jackets, and shirt sales has dropped and in 2009 football ticket prices were not increased, which was a reward to the fans. In other smaller colleges there were severe budget cuts and some sports eliminated on campus altogether. However, as a facility manager there are ways to create revenue to avoid these types of situations to occur. As a college student they are always looking for the next big event at their college.
            Since, I have experience in the field of event planning, I will first look into an event, or concert to generate funds for the college campus to keep their athletic department running. College students love entertainment and celebrity artist coming to their school to perform. As facility manager I would plan for a celebrity concert and sale tickets. I would choose a popular mainstream artist that I have a secure business relationship with, to perform for the College for free, but for a news worthy cause. This will be a mutual benefit between the college and the entertainer. The entertainer will gain press and philanthropic recognition, while the college will be able to keep their athletic department going by ticket sales. All proceeds earned from ticket sales will go to the college athletic department. Of course I would prepare this concert in advance for a great outcome and sale the tickets for $25.00.
            When a new arena or stadium is built it generates revenue because it’s new and the sports fans will want to support their favorite team. As a facility manager when there maybe economic losses for the bigger teams than college leagues, there are different approaches that are needed. The amenities in the facility is what matters most, you want to attract your customers by having the amenities they want at their fingertips. For example, I live in NYC and in my downtown area of Brooklyn rap icon JAY Z has partnered up with Brooklyn to build a stadium in the middle of downtown area where all the shopping malls, food, and businesses are located in Brooklyn. Many residents are complaining about the traffic that will be increased in their area, while others are excited that new jobs will be generated.
            Currently, the stadium is still in construction and is expected to open in mid 2012. In the Bronx area of NYC currently there is Yankee stadium where all the major baseball games occur. Yankee stadium has been in the Bronx for a very long time and is considered a historic site. The main key to success as a facility manager at the new stadium in Brooklyn would be to make sure the amenities are much better than Yankee stadium. As a facility manager I would make tickets reasonable and affordable for the fans, but I will apply a kids section for playtime, restaurants, better seating, a wider range of parking, High definition technology and more. The attraction of the facility will definitely generate revenue. The best key would be the best customer service and different amenities for all different groups of people.
Posted By: Sparkle Callahan 

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