Sunday, November 6, 2011

Facilities Management Nov 6, 2011

In sports finances is very imperative to keep teams and the athletes going. However, pro athletes and major leagues suffer less or if not at all compared to the little leagues such as college sports. During, economic hardships there are still ways for the smaller leagues to survive. With the correct strategic planning with heartfelt ambition it can happen. In other words creating your very own events, and proposals to charity foundations. Being different by implementation can create creative ways to sustain economic hardship within a sports team.
         Mostly in the south college football passion drives financial stability. In 2007 5 of the top 10 revenue producers in college football was: Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Auburn and LSU. No matter what the recession and economic restraints are at the time these schools are still able to sell tickets, and have there contracts still in place with sponsorships. Because of their passion in the south they will always come out on top. Having passion for your league, will allow you to make ways to continue in prosperity. It is almost impossible to keep a college football league going every semester, especially if the team is not in the pro league. Therefore, passion will allow one to create events, write proposals and be different by implementation.
         Many lay offs and threats of canceling sports programs within the smaller college leagues have been threaten, especially in Louisiana. However, donors from the community helped out just in time before any tennis or sports division was omitted. When donors within your community help out and donate this is called passion.
         There are various ways I would be able to generate revenue for my sports division during a recession. The first approach I would do is create a wonderful and beneficial event, with a ticket purchase of $30.00 for non-students & $10.00 for students. I would have the event on the college campus of the team league. It would be either in the auditorium or out in the campus field. The event would consist of a mainstream or Pro athlete making an appearance at the school. The Pro athlete will be urged to speak to the students, faculty, community, and etc about the importance of sports/talent. The Pro athlete will sign autographs during, the allotted time set a side for a meet and greet and photos opts. depending on how much money need to be raised I will have this event with different Pro athletes once a month until we reach our goal.
         The second approach I would also utilize is writing proposals to charity foundations and various companies for monetary assistance for the college students. Since, I’m already experienced with writing such proposals I will be able to submit to many different organizations on the college behalf. I will explain to the organization benefits they would gain by donating for a good cause. It’s always someone somewhere willing to help and passionate about keeping programs continuing within a college. Which is why my target base will be charity foundations because they understand the importance of keeping students goals first.

Posted By:
Sparkle Callahan

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