Sunday, January 8, 2012

A CHUNK of your LIFE is digital!!!

In todays world of technology it's almost impossible not to have a cell phone, seek information from the internet or use a computer. Technology has evolved in the past years in so many ways, but ultimately forcing consumers to depend on it for resources. There are many people in todays society who was forced to become computer literate due to employment of having to apply for an opportunity, which required an online application. Apparently it is obvious that technology has just made itself inevitable to consumers. When cell phones are purchased, especially smart phones they come with multiple applications for download, such as youtube, Facebook and twitter. Most banks as well are utilizing the internet for transactions such as deposits, withdrawals, inquiries and transfers. It is almost impossible to conduct any kind of business today without using the internet as a resource, "A Chunk of Your Life is Digital." 149

There are several major marketing digital businesses, such as social network marketing, database marketing, mobile marketing, search engine marketing, search engine optimization, and viral marketing. using these marketing strategies have different purposes. For instance, social marketing is to interact/network and make connections through twitter, Facebook, linkedIn etc. Database Marketing is a huge information board of contacts to your target audience of consumers, Database Marketing is used to inform. Mobile Marketing is utilizing the internet through a mobile device such as a cell phone. Search Engine Marketing is pay per click of advertisement and you are paying for Ad placement. Search Engine Optimization is making sure your site is easy to find through the search browser, this is important to any kind of Digital Marketing campaign. Your search should be made easy to the consumer so they may find you when needed. Viral Marketing creates awareness through Facebook, twitter, youtube etc. Having this kind of Digital Marketing creates popularity viral through the internet. 163

When you pay close attention to the way of communication, retrieving information, creating awareness, connecting and networking this shows you and the consumer that A CHUNK of your LIFE is digital!!!!


Posted By Sparkle Callahan

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