Sunday, January 22, 2012

Is SOPA a GOOD thing or a BAD thing?

Is SOPA a GOOD thing or a BAD thing?

SOPA was designed and made to block out unknown websites that traffic in pirated American material. This act can have an ideal major impact on google, Facebook, twitter and any other major internet site. There is good benefits from SOPA and there is bad benefits from SOPA. Having SOPA can be good for the business or company getting their product sold on line without their input. SOPA can even benefit for all the cyber bullying and or crimes with the youth that take place over the net. However, the bad benefits can affect google, which is one of the largest internet resources for information. This can also affect all independent artists that are pursing a musical career or any kind of career that utilizing the internet for free advertisement and promotions.

There has been copyright negligence due to the internet being a free way to make money or to release free product items. As a result many musicians are making less than half of what they use to make in revenue. There are also ways a paypal can be set up for product purchases of books, music, movies and more. Many business owners most times do not know about other sites that maybe selling their products. Once the owner founds out, through SOPA they will be able to get this site removed and google will have to respect this request. Although, I understand the good and the bad benefits of SOPA, I do believe that this will not take place. Because the internet is such at a high demand of how business is handled and also more convenient consumers, SOPA will not take place. There are so many applications that cell phones all have that allow free music downloads and product purchases. Although, we may not know exactly who is creating these sites its still a good benefit as well as a bad benefit. SOPA is definitely a bitter sweet situation!

Posted By: Sparkle Callahan


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