Monday, March 12, 2012

The 3 Remedies For Entrepreneurs Fear: Accept, Appreciate, and Adjust

The 3 Remedies For Entrepreneurs FEAR: Accept, Appreciate and Adjust

As a entrepreneur the world of business can be very challenging whether your opening up a home business or public business. The fear of not being successful, not making the right decisions or letting your staff or clients down can be food to the word fear. The fear creeps up because in business many things are very unpredictable and everyday is not the same. However, being an entrepreneur puts you in leadership position and the reliability of others. As an entrepreneur we sometimes look for an answer to fall out of the sky or a budget to be released from the heavens. But, according to as an entrepreneur with fear you should accept, appreciate and adjust the way you think. If we do not accept, appreciate and adjust we are giving ourselves headaches and many sleepless nights.

As an entrepreneur accept your current situation and have the faith and strength to move forward. Once you accept you have the strength to move on because you face the situation head on and attempt to figure out what may work best. But, not accepting will keep you stagnated on your current reality especially if your current situation may not be so bright. Acceptance will allow you to overcome fear and strategize by getting an action plan in motion.

As an entrepreneur appreciating how far you have come and recognizing the things about your business and life that are going well, will allow you to see the better side of things. This is a mental process and notes that whatever you think about will change your way of thinking in seconds. Understand that in entrepreneurship there are always new things to learn, so appreciate what you have so far and move forward.

Lastly, is adjust start to think what you want as an entrepreneur and your possibilities. Start to change your way of thinking and see things from a brighter perspective. The questions such as what can I do to make things better? What will it take? What tools do I need? This is all in changing your thoughts from negative to positive.

Posted by Sparkle Callahan


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