Sunday, October 30, 2011


When I first heard or Adidas and Reebok doing a joint venture in year 2005, my initial thought was why? I thought why? because they are both household brand names and I did not see why it would be necessary to collaborate. However, Adidas felt that they could do better together than apart. Bringing both brands together would build a driving force mechanisms to the world of sports.

Germany's Adidas Saloman agreed to buy Reebok international for 3.1 billion euros. Although, Nike is a huge brand as well, Adidas & Reebok combined are ready to give NIKE a run for their money. Investors are willing and ready to give NIKE a huge challenge, with this new collaboration with Reebok and Adidas. The key to this this collaboration is for Adidas to expand their geographic reach. Adidas will focus on one geographic area, while Reebok will focus on another. The most important geographic area for Adidas is North America, as Adidas feels it is very imperative to conquer. Adidas goal is to be number 2 in the sporting goods market worldwide, and to create footwear and apparel that addresses a wider demographic spectrum. (187)

In 2005 the companies already saw $150 million dollars in annual savings collaboratively. This kind of money was seen through the world of Hip Hop music. Adidas and Reebok began to target NBA players and Hip Hop artists with endorsements, and product identity. Hip Hop artist Missy Elliott supported Adidas tremendously, while other Hip Hop artists such as Jay z & 50 Cent supported Reebok. Although, Adidas and Reeebok had their share of celebrity support, NIKE also had their celebrity support with Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods, as NIKE is not too much into the urban world, but have fairly made great advancement with these urban personalities. Adidas has been feeling heat from other brands as well such as Puma. However, this just drives Adidas to concentrate on a higher margin of innovation, along with its collaboration with Reebok.


Posted By: Sparkle Callahan

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The MMA denies Major media outlets at their sport events

April 2011 Although the MMA (UFC) is a sport, the confidence of them going totally mainstream has been in doubt. I found this article about the MMA very interesting because although they may not be seen as a total mainstream sport. They have denied major sports reporters and major media outlets press credentials. When a sport denies major press, this is also a way of saying they are denying going mainstream. Media outlets, reporters, journalists, press, bloggers, social media Guru's and etc are all the driving force to make one obtain their public awareness. The question that I asked is "what would make a sport division banned press and media from their event?"

The MMA sports is arguing that press and media outlets, service false materials to their readers about the MMA. According to President of the UFC Dana White, he did not consider some press outlets stories worthy of his PR clip file. Dana White banned the most prominent media outlets such as ESPN and CBS. The journalists that were denied press credentials were long time media supporters of the UFC, which were  ESPN Josh Gross and Loretta Hunt. According to a spokesperson at CBS '' We serve a growing base of MMA fans on, so we're obviously disappointed the credential request was denied"

Posted By Sparkle Cllahan

Sunday, October 16, 2011

NBA LOCKOUT 2011-2012

This newly lockout controversy with the NBA seems to be the biggest dispute within the past 5 years. After union president Derek Fisher non chalant attitude and the athletes stubborness, I find it quite odd to see former Chicago Bulls player Dennis Rodman state his opinion on the lockout. According to Rodman "I just think that…the players should bow down….In 1999 we (were locked out) and missed half the season, Most players don't give a [expletive] about the game. They want the money and all of a sudden they want unity. I'm not taking the owners' side. I think the players should look at themselves." Of course having this lockout cause athletes,  loose out on their money, although the flip side is, should the athletes just sign an agreement without mutual benefits?. According to Rodman the athletes need to just compromise and take the agreement for less money, instead of loosing money. Seasons are being canceled, fans, supporters and people are without jobs due to this 2 month lockout.

According to Gary Roberts "I said a year ago that the NFL would settle in the August, and I said the NBA would not settle and would probably lose the entire season, and I think that's exactly what's going to happen." The NBA loosing out on its entire season would definitely be a total lost for the athletes, because they will still have and unsettled case and a lost of revenue. According to NBA executive Billy Hunter he saw the day that 2011-2012 NBA regular season games would have to be canceled. I wonder why did Billy Hunter foresee this episode of events?

I really think that the owners should be able to make some more reasonable offers in regard to the agreement for the athletes. Also, it seem sort of selfish because their are fans and supporters who have paid for there season tickets in advance and had to get a reimbursement. This kind of behavior within the NBA is very inconsiderate and maybe more damaging to the brand than worrying about revenue. However, without a brand there is no way to really retrieve revenue. As of right now October 16, 2011 there still has yet been a determination in regard to this lockout, hopefully soon a decision will be made and the NBA can move forward or there will be an entire season missed!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Marcus Jordan is The cause of UCF loosing its Adidas Sponsorship

In the world of sports there are many stipulations and protection laws that must be in place, for the protection of trademarks, patent laws, and copyrights. Over the years there has been many controversies with sports teams taking legal action against another team or company because of this matter. However, it is important to protect all brands, logos etc to avoid any sort of legal action.

Recently, Professional basketball player Michael Jordan son Marcus Jordan denied wearing an Adidas sneaker during his game. But, instead insisted he wear his father air Jordan Nike Air sneakers, although Adidas was sponsoring the UCF. When Marcus denied wearing the Adidas sneaker during his game, Adidas then terminated their sponsorship with UCF. The UCF is now suffering from any future sponsorships because of this matter. Part of the sponsorship all coaches, and athletes were suppose to wear the Adidas clothing. However, I guess Marcus saw this as a conflict of interest/trademark issue with his father brand Nike Air. The UCF lost its 3million dollar adidas sponsorship and any future Adidas sponsorships is also in question. However, Marcus argues the fact that the school said he could wear his father sneakers, although they knew they had a contract with Adidas. It was very important for Adidas to have the most famous athletes to wear their apparel during the UCF games. It would have been a mutual benefit for Michael Jordan's son Marcus Jordan to wear Adidas sneakers during the game.


Posted By Sparkle Cllahan