Sunday, October 23, 2011

The MMA denies Major media outlets at their sport events

April 2011 Although the MMA (UFC) is a sport, the confidence of them going totally mainstream has been in doubt. I found this article about the MMA very interesting because although they may not be seen as a total mainstream sport. They have denied major sports reporters and major media outlets press credentials. When a sport denies major press, this is also a way of saying they are denying going mainstream. Media outlets, reporters, journalists, press, bloggers, social media Guru's and etc are all the driving force to make one obtain their public awareness. The question that I asked is "what would make a sport division banned press and media from their event?"

The MMA sports is arguing that press and media outlets, service false materials to their readers about the MMA. According to President of the UFC Dana White, he did not consider some press outlets stories worthy of his PR clip file. Dana White banned the most prominent media outlets such as ESPN and CBS. The journalists that were denied press credentials were long time media supporters of the UFC, which were  ESPN Josh Gross and Loretta Hunt. According to a spokesperson at CBS '' We serve a growing base of MMA fans on, so we're obviously disappointed the credential request was denied"

Posted By Sparkle Cllahan

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