Sunday, October 16, 2011

NBA LOCKOUT 2011-2012

This newly lockout controversy with the NBA seems to be the biggest dispute within the past 5 years. After union president Derek Fisher non chalant attitude and the athletes stubborness, I find it quite odd to see former Chicago Bulls player Dennis Rodman state his opinion on the lockout. According to Rodman "I just think that…the players should bow down….In 1999 we (were locked out) and missed half the season, Most players don't give a [expletive] about the game. They want the money and all of a sudden they want unity. I'm not taking the owners' side. I think the players should look at themselves." Of course having this lockout cause athletes,  loose out on their money, although the flip side is, should the athletes just sign an agreement without mutual benefits?. According to Rodman the athletes need to just compromise and take the agreement for less money, instead of loosing money. Seasons are being canceled, fans, supporters and people are without jobs due to this 2 month lockout.

According to Gary Roberts "I said a year ago that the NFL would settle in the August, and I said the NBA would not settle and would probably lose the entire season, and I think that's exactly what's going to happen." The NBA loosing out on its entire season would definitely be a total lost for the athletes, because they will still have and unsettled case and a lost of revenue. According to NBA executive Billy Hunter he saw the day that 2011-2012 NBA regular season games would have to be canceled. I wonder why did Billy Hunter foresee this episode of events?

I really think that the owners should be able to make some more reasonable offers in regard to the agreement for the athletes. Also, it seem sort of selfish because their are fans and supporters who have paid for there season tickets in advance and had to get a reimbursement. This kind of behavior within the NBA is very inconsiderate and maybe more damaging to the brand than worrying about revenue. However, without a brand there is no way to really retrieve revenue. As of right now October 16, 2011 there still has yet been a determination in regard to this lockout, hopefully soon a decision will be made and the NBA can move forward or there will be an entire season missed!

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